About - Friends TOJ Parks

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In 1999 the beautiful CCC Ski Lodge (pictured left) that had been built in 1939 at the original ski area, burned to the ground. At the request of the town, a group of citizens formed to talk about general directions for the Ski Bowl Park development and the restoration of the ski lodge. This group was called the TOJ Parks Advisory Committee. The Town, under Supervisor Bill Thomas, was actively engaged in creating a park which offered recreational opportunities for the town’s residents and for visitors. At this time, the swim pond was impounded, a small beach pavilion built by an Advisory volunteer, a larger pavilion and new playground constructed. An agreement between the town and the Olympic Regional Development Authority produced a tubing hill and with Federal money, alpine skiing was resurrected. The Advisory Committee was asked to become a non-profit to help secure funding from both NYS and private sources to assist in creating a park. The Friends of Johnsburg Parks became a 501 c 3 non-profit in 2007. As a non-profit, The Friends have continued its advisory role to the town as planners and fundraisers of its parks.

Mission Statement

Friends of Johnsburg Parks (FJP) advocates for the development and care of the Town’s public parks, working in concert with the Town Board or its designees. FJP aims to create vibrant, active parks for residents and visitors through planning, fundraising, building, and programming.

Board of Directors and Standing Committees

Board of Directors:
Officers: Kelly Nessle, Chair, Vice: Phil Sangster, Treasurer: Carrie Mason, Secretary: Michele Pearsall

Standing Committees:
Planning: works with community residents and professional park planners to determine plans for each park space
Construction: advises the Town regarding construction costs and volunteers actual construction assistance when possible
Programs and Events: Plans and executes programs and events held by the Friends; promotes park activities held by other resident groups and the PPP Department
Volunteer Recruitment: Generates community volunteer support for Friends’ activities; recruits board members as needed.
Advocacy: Oversees safety issues, legal concerns, and resident interests regarding the parks
Development: Builds FJP membership and carries out fundraising drives
Beautification: Assists town with beautification and signage plans for each park

What We Do – Friends of Johnsburg Parks

Master planning

In 2009, the Friends produced the first Ski Bowl Park Masterplan entitled Vision 2020. The town approved its use as the guidance document for development work done in Ski Bowl Park.
In 2017-18, Friends worked with the Adirondack Glens Falls Transit Council and the NYS Department of Transportation to study and plan and new entry access opposite 28N into Ski Bowl Park.
In 2018-19 Friends worked with our trails partner, Upper Hudson Trails Alliance, and Wilderness Property Management and Chazen Company to complete a Recreational Plan for multi-use trails within the state lands which connect to Ski Bowl Park.
In 2020, a specific site plan for a terraced configuration of the beach, developed with LA Group.
Between 2021-2023, the Friends have worked with the community and LA Group of Saratoga Springs to update the original masterplan to include the new entry road, an improved parking lot, new and re-constructed recreational venues, and a large concert space. It is called Vision 2030.


Johnsburg has relied on several outside sources of funds to help develop our parks and trails: NY State Department, Open Space Institute, NYS Department of Environmental Conservation, NYS Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historical Preservation., NYS Recreational Trails Program, NYS Legislature, and Warren County.
Private foundations and other non-profits have included: Open Space Institute, Charles R. Wood Foundation, Glens Falls Foundation, The Cloudsplitter Foundation, Adirondack Foundation Generous Acts, The Glen and Carol Pearsall Foundation, the Community Fund for Gore Mt. Region, Dake/Stewart’s Shops Foundation, Adirondack Community Recreation Alliance.
All grants are written with the town’s knowledge and agreement as, for some funding, there is a match that is made by the Town. The primary grant writers have been Mr. Wayne LaMothe of Warren County Planning and Kelly Nessle, FJP Chair.
Volunteerism is a form of fundraising. Over 8000 hours of volunteer work has been recorded in the past ten years at our parks. A great deal of the volunteer work has been construction and landscaping.

Capital Projects

North Creek Ski Bowl Park Beach – Beach pavilion, Picnic site, Beach terraces, Beach electrification, Water pipeline to pond, Beach changing house new roof, Beach house new septic

Also At Ski Bowl Park – Dog Park, Perennial garden, Flag pole, Shrubbery, Rock climbing element in playground, Playground wood fiber resurfacing, Playground shade arbor, Entryway Water fountain, Sinusoidal rock wall, Walking/hiking trails and Mt. Biking Trails.

At Riverfront Park – Train Depot Museum, Caboose, Milk car restoration, Concert stage, Farmer’s Market summer garden

At Mill Creek Recreation Area – Picnic tables, Signs


Most activities and events that occur or have occurred in our parks have been initiated by volunteers, people who are interested in making things happen for the enjoyment of others in the community. Katie Nightingale—Summer Concert Series; Linda Cobb—dog park events; Farmers’ Market—Beth Mayer and Peter Horvath; Citizen Nordic race series—Dick Carlson; Blue Grass Festival—Lloyd Burch and Katie Nightingale; Roosevelt Days—Depot Museum; Glassblowing for kids—Greg Tomb; Story Trail—Carrie Mason; Waynestock—Tammy and Wayne Bukovinsky; Kick Cancer –Julia Deppe

2023 summer saw events from the Friends for the first time: Line dancing twice a month in July, August and September and its Natural Connections program aimed at all ages to explore the natural world within our parks: wildflowers, medicinal plants, birds, trees, gardens. As time moves along, more programs will be offered.